Source code for fred.clients.eseries

from fred.utils import NamespacedClient, query_params
from fred.helpers import _get_request

class ESeriesClient(NamespacedClient):
[docs] """ Class for working with FRED series """ @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end') def details(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request a series of economic data. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" """ path='/series?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end')
def categories(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request the categories for an economic data series. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" """ path='/series/categories?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end')
def release(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request the release for an economic data series. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" """ path='/series/release?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end',
'order_by','sort_order') def tags(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request FRED tags for a particular series. FRED tags are attributes assigned to series. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str order_by: Order results by values of the specified attribute. Options are 'series_count', 'popularity', 'created', 'name', 'group_id' :arg str sort_order: Sort results for attribute values specified by order_by. Options are 'asc','desc' """ path = '/series/tags?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end','limit',
'offset','filter_value') def updates(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request economic data series sorted by when observations were updated on the FRED server (attribute last_updated). Results are limited to series updated within the last two weeks. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg int limit: The maximum number of results to return. Options 1 to 1000 :arg int offset: Data offset. Options >=0 :arg str filter_value: Limit results by geographic type of economic data series. Options are 'macro', 'regional', and 'all' """ path = '/series/updates?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end','limit',
'offset','sort_order') def vintage_dates(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request the dates in history when a series' data values were revised or new data values were released. Vintage dates are the release dates for a series excluding release dates when the data for the series did not change. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg int limit: The maximum number of results to return. Options 1 to 1000 :arg int offset: Data offset. Options >=0 :arg str sort_order: Sort results by vintage_date. Options are 'asc','desc' """ path = '/series/vintagedates?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end','limit',
'offset','sort_order','observation_start','observation_end', 'units','frequency','aggregation_method','output_type', 'vintage_dates') def observations(self,series_id=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request the observations or data values for an economic data series. `<>`_ :arg int series_id: The id for a series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg int limit: The maximum number of results to return. Options 1 to 100000 :arg int offset: Data offset. Options >=0 :arg str sort_order: Sort results is ascending or descending observation_date order. Options are 'asc','desc' :arg str observation_start: The start of the observation period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str observation_end: The end of the observation period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str units: A key that indicates a data value transformation. Options are 'lin', 'chg', 'ch1', 'pch', 'pc1', 'pca', 'cch', 'cca', 'log' :arg str frequency: Indicates a lower frequency to aggregate values. Options are 'd', 'w', 'bw', 'm', 'q', 'sa', 'a', 'wef', 'weth', 'wew', 'wetu', 'wem', 'wesu', 'wesa', 'bwew', 'bwem' :arg str aggregation_method: Indicates the aggregation method used for frequency aggregation. Options are 'avg', 'sum', 'eop' :arg int output_type: Output type. Options are 1, 2, 3, 4 :arg str vintage_dates: Date(s) in history. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". Example for multiple dates "2000-01-01,2005-02-24,..." """ path = '/series/observations?' params['series_id'] = series_id response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('search_type','realtime_start','realtime_end',
'limit','offset','order_by','sort_order','filter_variable', 'filter_value','tag_names','exclude_tag_names') def search(self,search_text=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request economic data series that match search text. `<>`_ :arg str search_text: The words to match against economic data series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str search_type: Determines the type of search to perform. Options are 'full_text','series_id' :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg int limit: The maximum number of results to return. Options 1 to 1000 :arg int offset: Data offset. Options >=0 :arg str order_by: Order results by values of the specified attribute. Options are 'search_rank', 'series_id', 'title', 'units', 'frequency', 'seasonal_adjustment', 'realtime_start', 'realtime_end', 'last_updated', 'observation_start', 'observation_end', 'popularity' :arg str sort_order: Sort results for attribute values specified by order_by. Options are 'asc','desc' :arg str filter_variable: The attribute to filter results by. Options are 'frequency', 'units','seasonal_adjustment' :arg str filter_value: The value of the filter_variable attribute to filter results by. :arg str tag_names: Tag names used to match series. Separate with semicolon as in "income;bea" :arg str exclude_tag_names: Tag names used to exclude series. Separate with semicolon as in "income;bea" """ path = '/series/search?' params['search_text'] = search_text response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end',
'limit','offset','order_by','sort_order','tag_names', 'tag_group_id','tag_search_text') def search_tags(self,series_search_text=None,response_type=None,params=None):
[docs] """ Function to request the FRED tags for a series search. `<>`_ :arg str series_search_text: The words to match against economic data series. Required. :arg str response_type: File extension of response. Options are 'xml', 'json', 'dict','df','numpy','csv','tab,'pipe'. Required. :arg str realtime_start: The start of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg str realtime_end: The end of the real-time period. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" :arg int limit: The maximum number of results to return. Options 1 to 1000 :arg int offset: Data offset. Options >=0 :arg str order_by: Order results by values of the specified attribute. Options are 'series_count', 'popularity', 'created', 'name', 'group_id' :arg str sort_order: Sort results for attribute values specified by order_by. Options are 'asc','desc' :arg str tag_names: Tag names that series match. Separate with semicolon as in "income;bea" :arg str tag_group_id: Tag ID to filter tags by. Options are 'freq', 'gen', 'geo', 'geot', 'rls', 'seas', 'src' :arg str tag_search_text: The words to find matching tags with. """ path = '/series/search/tags?' params['series_search_text'] = series_search_text response_type = response_type if response_type else self.response_type if response_type != 'xml': params['file_type'] = 'json' response = _get_request(self.url_root,self.api_key,path,response_type,params) return response @query_params('realtime_start','realtime_end',
'limit','offset','order_by','sort_order', 'tag_group_id','tag_search_text','exclude_tag_names') def search_related_tags(self,series_search_text=None,tag_names=None,response_type=None,params=None):